미국 대선이 2020년 11월 5일로, 5개월도 안 남았습니다.
트럼프는 재선에 나설것으로 보이며, 오바마 전 대통령의 부통령으로 있던 조바이든이 유력한 대선후보로 거론되고 있습니다.
조바이든 역시 변호사로 사회생활을 시작해, 만 29세에 미국 역사상 5번째 젊은 나이로 상원의원에 올라, 외교 국방 법률 분야의 전문가로 명성을 떨치며 오바마가 특히 부족한 분야를 잘 보완해 준 것으로 인정받고 있습니다.
조 바이든은 개인적으로 아픈 가족사가 있네요. 현재는 재혼중인데 젊은 나이에 전 아내와 첫딸을 교통사고로 잃었습니다. 그 또한 뇌동맥류 파열 수술을 겪는중 7일간 뇌사에 빠진 전력이 있으며, 그리고 한참뒤 뇌종양까지 생겨 수술받기도 합니다.
그래서 그런지 가끔 기억력에도 문제가 있다고 합니다.
오바마를 자신이 살고 있는 주를 잊어버리고, 부인과 동생을 순간적으로 헷갈리고, 자신의 상사였던 오바마의 이름을 잊어버리는 등 여러가지가 지적됐는데, 2020년 대선 경선 참여를 전후로 너무 심해진 것이 아니냐고 합니다.
성폭력 혐의로 고소 당한 전력이 있으며 성추행 논란 피해자는 5명이 넘었습니다. 자동차 노동자,여대생과의 설전에서 욕설과 비꼬는 표션을 내뱉기도 했으며, 은연중 인종차별의 편견이 드러난 발언으로 구설에 오르기도 했습니다.
현재 조바이든 나이 78세 트럼프 73세 오바마 58세, 나이로 보나 전력으로 보나
오바마만한 대통령감은 없어보여 안타깝네요.
아래 영상은 털털한 오바마의 성격을 보여주는 재임시절의 흥미로운 영상입니다.
엘렌쇼에서 춤을추는 영상, 미국 전역의 꼬마 시민들과 직접 통화하는 장면,
야생 사나이 베어그릴스를 따라 다녔던 영상도 있네요.
과거 흥미로운 오바마 과거 영상을 준비해봤습니다.
인상적인 부분은 베어그릴스 외에 많은 영상에는 부인인 미쉘을 언급하는 내용이 자주 나옵니다.
재임시절 오바마의 결정적인 선택안엔 최소한 2 사람의 지혜가 담기지 않았을까 생각해봅니다.
마지막 영상은 공식석상에서 미쉘을 칭송하는 내용으로 꽤 파격적인 영상인데 대통령의 모든 편견을 깨줬네요.
인종차별 반대 운동, 플로이드 계기로 전세계로 퍼지다
사건은 조지 플로이드가 20달러짜리 위조지폐를 사용하려 한다는 한 가게의 신고로 시작됐습니다. 출동한 백인 경찰관 "데릭 쇼빈"은 무릎으로 플로이드의 목을 8분 46초간 눌러 "조지 플로이드"�
The US presidential election was on November 5, 2020, and less than 5 months are left. Trump appears to be in the re-election, and Joe Biden, former vice president of Obama, is cited as a promising candidate. Joe Biden also began his social life as an attorney, and at the age of 29 became the fifth youngest man in the history of the United States to become a senator. . Joe Biden has a personally ill family history. Now I am remarried, but at a young age my ex-wife and my first daughter were lost in a car accident. He also had a history of brain death for 7 days during a cerebral aneurysm rupture operation, and he even had a brain tumor after a while. So sometimes it is said that there is a problem with memory. Many things have been pointed out, such as forgetting Obama's state where he lives, confused his wife and younger brother, and forgetting the name of his boss, Obama.
There have been allegations of sexual assault and more than five victims of sexual assault controversy. He also spoke abusive words and sarcastic expressions in the battles with automobile workers and female college students, and even went up to the slogans with remarks that revealed the prejudice of racism. Currently, Joe Biden is 78 years old, Trump 73 years old, Obama 58 years old. It seems unfortunate that there is no presidential sense that is like Obama. The video below is an interesting video from the second advent of the Obama character. The video of dancing at the Ellen Show, a scene of talking directly with little citizens across the United States, There is also a video that followed the wild macho bear grils. I prepared an interesting video of Obama in the past.
Trump's anti-social remarks
With Baltimore, a black community, “The most dangerous and worst operating place in the United States”, “The disgusting mess of rats and rodents” This is clearly a statement of regional discrimination against explicit racism. President Trump was raising a conflict that could be smaller. This is because the “white vote” alone can win the election. I was elected as a real white vote. In an interview in May 2020 "He (Obama) was a totally incompetent president. I can only say that," he said. "It was all Obama. It was all Biden. Those people were corrupt. All that was corrupt." About the Russian scandal that Russia intervened in the 2016 presidential election. "The biggest political crime in American history" (Obama and Joe Biden) "This is why people have to go to jail and many people have to pay for it."
"He (Obama) was a totally incompetent president. I can only say that," he said. "It was all Obama. It was all Biden. Those people were corrupt. All that was corrupt." About the Russian scandal that Russia intervened in the 2016 presidential election. "The biggest political crime in American history" (Obama and Joe Biden) "This is why people have to go to jail and many people have to pay for it."
"Obama is from Kenya, Africa and is not an American citizen" Trump was called the price of the negotiations, It seems purely a tradesman's expression that it is okay to use any cowardly or tedious capital. Looking back on the four years Trump has passed, I'd like to ask you what the outcome of the negotiations Trump made for his people. Even if China made a clone through all kinds of online hacks, Trump has been able to Even the biggest weapon is meaningless. Even in the early days of corona, the mask was low quality and expensive, it was not secured in time, and before that, it did not have enough stock for its own people and exported all 3M masks and liked it. He said something like Abe to cover his mouth with a scarf. Some white people living in white supremacy are curious about what they think of Trump and their judgment.
Under Obama University graduation speech
"Through this fandemic, the idea that a lot of people with responsibilities know what to do is completely broken." "They even pretend they are not responsible" He recently mentioned the case of Armed Albury, who emerged as a racist issue before Floyd's death, Albury, a 25-year-old black man, was mistaken for a thief in a construction while jogging in Georgia in February and was shot dead by a rich white man. Immediately after the case, the prosecutor of Georgia applied the'citizen arrest right' (citizens can also catch criminals) to free the white rich man. However, when the video was released at the time of Albury's death, he was arrested for murdering a white rich man 74 days after the incident.
"Inequality is not a new issue," said Obama. "The Corona 19 crisis highlights the fundamental inequality and additional burden that black societies have historically faced in this country." "It's up to you to improve the world," he said. "Our society and democracy work only when we think of others as well as ourselves." Earlier, Obama criticized his staff for "the total confusion and disaster" of the Trump government's Corona 19 response. Donald Trump's response to the corona, overlooking the US white police overpowering, There seems to be nothing to say except that Heaven has blocked the firm will to make America a nation for economic gain.
During the Trump's tenure, Corona occurred and the police suppressed excessively, leading to the death of an unarmed black man. The United States continues to hold large-scale protests across the country. How would Obama respond if he had a corona in Obama? How would you respond if the black man died due to excessive suppression by the US police during Obama?